Tibor Communications is a collaborative partnership between Tom Tibor and Marie Levin Tibor who live in Arlington, Virginia.

I’ve been a wordsmith for decades as a writer, editor, and training developer. I’ve also worked in media production — writing scripts, and producing videos for government and commercial clients. These videos cover a range of topics, including behavioral health, prevention of suicide and sexual assault, national security, and environmental management.
In an earlier career, I worked at a psychiatric hospital and a crisis hotline center. Some of my experiences inspired me to write my first novel, Fortunate Son. My passion for the game of golf inspired me to write a screenplay, Stay the Course.
My work life has revolved around media relations, communications, and international marketing. In addition to a decade immersed in our local property management community (thanks to AOBA), I had the chance to dive into the region’s major challenges (or at least write about them) at the Greater Washington Board of Trade. Yet a piece of my heart still belongs to the wonderful world of tourism – following 16 years at the Washington, DC Convention and Visitors Association (now Destination DC).
I’m an unabashed Francophile, a former Board member of DC Central Kitchen, and lately, an enthusiastic volunteer for the Literacy Council of Northern Virginia. I’ve also enjoyed working with Tom on Fortunate Son. Amazingly, after several years of collaborating on this project, we are still happily married.